Irrigation Systems, Water Pumps

Water Pump Installation for Irrigation Systems

Water Pump Installation

Aqua Hub’s Water Pumps meet the specifications and water requirements for a variety of our clients’ water-needing applications. For example, starting irrigation farming projects needs water pump installation by expert engineers.

We have a team who are available to advise and conduct water pump installation on your place at friendly wages. Our water pumps are available in various sizes and types as per the specific use and flow rates you want.

Types of Water Pumps Available for Installation

We do have submersible, centrifugal solar pumps, and diesel or petrol water pumps, all good for irrigation projects.

Specifications of Our Pumps

  • Suitable for thin, clean, chemically non-aggressive liquids without solids or fibers.
  • The maximum fluid temperature is 90º C.
  • Maximum Suction Lift of 7m above the sea level.
Model Power (kW) Current (A) Dimension (mm)      Weight (Kg)
Inlet Diameter Outlet diameter Length Height Top Width Base Width
F40/125B 1.5 4.5 65 40 421 252 244 210 32.4
F40/125A 2.2 5.2 441 32.6
F32/160A 3 7.3 50 32 448 292 240 245 38.7
F32/200C 4 10.3 469 340 273 46.3
F40/200B 5.5 12.6 65 40 535 277 265 53
F40/200A 7.5 15.6 59
F40/250B 11 23.5 606 405 329 320 104
F40/250A 15 30.5 701 120
F50/160A 7.5 15.5 65 50 535 340 273 265 57.6
F50/200C 11 23 616 360 316.5 100
F50/200A 18.5 34.5 711 127.2
F65/125A 7.5 16.5 80 65 557 340 292 280 63
F65/160B 11 23 620 360 295 100.2

How to Choose Water Pumps for Irrigation

When selecting Irrigation water pumps, it is common to learn and adhere to some factors and guidelines to ensure the choice of effective devices. They include.

Flow rate at need

The flow rate you need for your irrigation systems. It may depend on the irrigation system you are dreaming of installing. Choose pumps that deliver the required flow rate in an irrigation system.

Pressure Rating

For pump requiring irrigation systems such as sprinkler and rain hose systems it depends on the designated pressure needed. Pressure ratings varies with pump type, learn and choose the right one.

Power Consumption

You have different types of pumps to choose from ranging from electric, solar, and fuel pumps. Choose the pump that matches the power source you can access.

How to Choose the Right Location of Your Water Pump Installation

Water Pump installation requires a proper decision on where to mount your pump. It needs to be a good position that meets certain factors including.

Water Source

Determine the distance or depth of the water before deciding on the place to install it. It should be within reach to enhance proper suction.

Shelter and Security

Consider the security or availability of shelter to protect your pump from rain, or adverse weather conditions. Another concern is theft.

Power Source or Availability

Depending on the type of power your pump uses, it would be ideal to determine and ensure your water pump is close to a power connection.

Water Quality

It is recommended to conduct sand tests on the water source to determine the water quality before water pump installation. It comes in handy in determining the pump and filters to use in your irrigation and water pump system.

Environmental Considerations

Consider the environmental impact, including potential harm to local wildlife, soil erosion, or water contamination.

What You Need for Water Pump Installation

  1. Water pumps
  2. PVC or HDPE Pipe
  3. Teflon tape or pipe thread sealant
  4. Adjustable wrenches
  5. Screwdrivers
  6. Pipe cutter
  7. Pipe connectors
  8. Hose clamps
  9. Electrical wiring and connectors (electric pump)
  10. Mounting structures
  11. Pipe hangers

Steps for Water Pump Installation in Kenya

  • Choose a proper location to install your water pump. Ensure the area is flat and near the water source.
  • Clean the water source to remove debris and allow for installation.
  • Mount the surface pump into the place you are installing it. For a submersible pump lower the pump while ensuring it remains aligned and installed in the middle of the water depth.
  • Connect a PVC or HDPE pipe to the pump inlet and apply tefflon tape to ensure a tight seal.
  • For an electric water pump conduct wiring to the pump following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Install a pressure tank
  • Prime and start the pump to test whether it functions properly.

Water Pump Installation in kenya

Recommended water pump installation in Kenya is by Aqua Hub, with expert technicians and quality pump devices at affordable prices.

Where to Purchase Water Pumps in Kenya

Water Pump Installation

Water Pump Prices Varies from KES 15,ooo to KES 150,000 depending on the sizes.

Aqua Hub

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