How to Raise Seedlings on Planting Trays

Aqua Hub Kenya is the ideal supplier of special planting trays for seedling propagation in Kenya. We deal with different types of Planting trays depending on the number and type of seedlings that our clients grow.
We supply seedling trays of 50, 72, 128, 200 and 288 cells.
How Much is a Planting Tray In Kenya?
The cost of Seedlings |planting trays in Kenya varies depending on different suppliers in the market. Our Planting Trays are KES 150 each.
Where to Buy Planting Trays in Kenya
Among the best suppliers of Planting trays in Kenya, Aqua Hub LTD offers affordable prices and bulk seedling trays.
If you are looking for quality seedling planting trays, get them from Aqua Hub Kenya. They sell them at New Year Rates.
Call 0790719020
Raising Seedlings with Our Quality Trays this New Year
As often dry season may persist and the cost of viable seedlings may increase. We advise our clients to grow their seedlings with the help of agronomists.
We offer you all you will need including trays, planting substances, irrigation kits such as misters, and shade nets for housing your seedlings.
Remember we can also help you install a greenhouse structure to propagate your vegetable and fruit seedlings.
Call 0790719020 to learn more about our products.
What are Planting Trays?
Planting trays are plastic devices that enable the propagation of seedlings from the germination stage to when they are ready to transplant. Trays are made of plastic or sometimes carton boxes with a design containing holes or cells where seedlings are grown.
Features of Our Trays
• Made of Plastic UV treated materials. This means that they can work well without damage by ultraviolet rays
• Black in color
• Contains a certain number of cells that hold seedlings. Cells range from 50 to 288.
• The cell size varies according to the seedling size.
Why Raise Seedlings on Trays?
Raising seedlings in a planting tray is a good way to ensure that a maximum number of seedlings survive to maturity.
Planting in trays significantly reduces the diseases that are often associated with some soils in various regions. Once you in grow in trays you can easily control the amount of water and nutrients applied.
Trays also lowers overcrowding and thus enhances viable seedlings to develop in the end.
Above all, seedling trays enhance healthy seedlings by lowering the chance of erosion from heavy rainfall.
Which Growing Media for Seedlings?
A special growing substance known as cocopeat is often used to propagate seedlings as an alternative to soil. Cocopeat is preferable to soil due to its excellent water and nutrient-holding capacity.
How to Raise Seedlings in Planting Trays
First ensure you have the right cocopeat, or propagation medium. Cocopeat is available in our Shops. Visit or contact 0790719020 to order for treated cocopeat.
Once you get the cocopeat you may proceed to propagate your seedlings right away.
Incase you have untreated cocopeat, you have to treat it by;
- Crushing the cocopeat blocks into fine cocopeat dust.
- Place the cocopeat dust into a tray and add water.
- Add water upto 3 times the weight of the cocopeat block. If it is a 5kg block use 15 l of water.
- Wash the cocopeat using hands and remove fibers in the mixture.
- Add three drops of calcium nitrate to the mixture to remove salts available in the mixture.
- Leave the mixture for 24 hours for all the salts to dissolve in calcium nitrate
- After 24 hours drain the excess water and leave the cocopeat to dry
How to Propagate Seeds in Trays
The steps to plant seedlings in trays are;
- Add 22l of water to a 5 kg cocopeat dust in a bucket.
- Place the moist cocopeat substance to a nearly full level on the cells of the tray.
- Sow seedlings on the cells while ensuring they are 1-2 cm deep.
- Ensure all cells have been propagated.
- Fill the remaining part of the cells with planting media.
- Water the cells till all the cells are moist.
- Do this for all the trays while arranging them on a proper structure with a shade net.
- You may label the tray for future confirmation and proper management.
Advantages of Planting Trays
They have a long shelf life of 2-3 years.
Seedling trays enhances the maturity of maximum seedlings.
The use of trays saves on space and thus allows for the propagation of more seedlings.
Viable seedlings can develop due to proper spacing.
Allows for faster germination of seeds.
Trays allow for easier transplanting as it limits the damage of seedlings when uprooting.