Drip Lines in Kenya

Drip lines prices in Kenya | Drip Kits for sale in Kenya depends on the size of the drip tape, retailer, crop type and size of the farm. Price of drip lines in Kenya also depends on other factors such as taxes, shipping costs for imported and market prices.
Drip Lines in Kenya by Aqua Hub
Aqua Hub Kenya engages in the sale of modern irrigation methods installation and sale of drip lines and drip kits.
The irrigation of crops in a controlled drip-like manner so that water loss is cut off is referred to as drip irrigation.
What are Drip lines?
Drip lines or emitters are pipes used to supply water to plants in drip or button drip irrigation methods.
Features of Drip Lines in Kenya
- Drip Lines are tube-like pipes. They inflate when water flows through them.
- Double emitter Drip Lines in Kenya – driplines with double emitter holes.
- They are flexible thus they are normally stored as a roll. The drip lines or tapes can fold or fit to a straight or circular layout.
- Drip lines are hard tubes. They do not easily expand or stretch when water flows through.
- Plastic polymer materials which are less affected by harsh weather conditions.
- Small emitter holes. Drip lines have numerous holes that release water. The holes have a uniform spacing throughout the pipe on the lower section of the pipe.
How do drip emitters work?
Drip emitter pipes supply water to plant rows and release them to the soil at the plants root base through the emitter holes. As water flows under pressure, the emitter holes releases water in droplets at the surface of the tape touching the ground.
Is Pressure required for water to flow in drip lines?
Pressure is not a requirement to operate drip irrigation. The water flow is possible under gravity, or pressure generated by a raised tank connection. So long as there is a proper pipe connection at place, the water flows effectively to all farm sections.
What is the diameter and length of a drip line?
Drip lines have 16 mm diameter and 1000 m length.
How many drip lines can you apply on a farm Section?
The number of drip lines for irrigation to lay on a farm section depends on the size of the farm or section.
A section of farm can take 1 -4 lines of drip tapes. The drip emitter tapes should be equally placed on a farm section.
What Spacing Should Plant holes in a row take?
When preparing planting holes, ensure the spacing is the same with that of drip emitter holes. The normal drip emitter hole spacing is 15 cm, 20 cm, and 30 cm.
What is the average Spacing of Drip lines?
Drip lines should have a spacing of at least 1.5 m apart for trenches or footpaths.
How to Connect Drip lines for Irrigation in Kenya
- Farm preparation
- Prepare trenches on the farm.
- Lay pipes mainline and sub-mainline pipes on the trenches.
- Connect the Mainline pipes to sub-mainline pipes. Use connectors and reducers. You need ball valves to enhance water regulation.
- Connect the Sub-main line pipes to drip emitters using drip connectors.
- Cover the sub-mainline and mainline pipes.
- Open the water taps to test the water flow in the connection.
What are the advantages of applying drip lines in irrigation?
- Drip lines save water as they allow a controlled water flow in farms.
- Water reaches all parts of the farm.
- The disease and infections to crops and fruits are minimal when using drip irrigation.
- Drip lines are cheaper than sprinklers and hose pipes.
- Drip lines do not require pressure to operate.
- Valves allows water regulation to farm sections.
Drip lines prices in Kenya
The cost of drip line pipe is KES. 8 per meter.
Where to Buy Quality Drip lines for Irrigation in Kenya
Aqua Hub Kenya is an ideal shop with quality drip lines for sale and drip fittings. We have affordable price of drip lines in Kenya.
Call 0790719020 or email info@aquahubkenya.co.ke.